Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Answer the following question after reading Heart of Darkness Why does Essay

Answer the following question after reading Heart of Darkness Why does Marlowe breathe to Kuitzs fiancee at the end of the Heart of Darkness - Es grade ExampleThe character Mr. Marlow, or to say the narrator, in the beginning of the story is projected as a protector of truth who governs a hypocrisy in its ending. Why Marlow decided not to tell Kurtzs fiance about her betrotheds final degradation pack much in-depth knowledge about human psychology. The lecturers may be sympathetic towards Mr. Marlow as he was to be in possession of a resourceful person, Mr. Kurtz, who was ill in the dark forest of African Congo, but failed in his mission. At the same time arguments will arise about Marlows hypocritical behavior when confronting Kurtzs fianc. Although, there may be contradicting views about Marlows behavior, it will be interesting to analyze the compulsions before him and interpret human nature in the outlook of Conrad.All the fictions are imaginary creations of literary artist s, and writers have power to create disbelief and shake off the reader into a satisfactory understanding of the plot. Though Heart of Darkness is termed as a travelogue, the fragment of imagination and literary creativity is also present in it. A good fiction offers the reader an exposure to good and bad characters that may have resemblance of people they know or suffice across in their own lives. Fiction makes sense when a writer tells a good open lie, and it successfully reproduces an event perfectly, which has never occurred to the reader. Once a writer is committed to tell the whole consecutive lie and nothing but a completely true lie through their characters they can reach quarrel to animate and convert into figures of people. For a successful writer readers are puppets in his hands and slow manipulated with their ability and creativity of white lies. Conrad has been successful in creating such elements in Heart of Darkness and it emerges a short but thrilling experien ce to the reader. The Heart of Darkness, is considered as a travelogue and true feeling experience of Conrad, who was himself a navigator for m any years. The readers are exposed to tricky situations and are carried away to instructive mythological situations and dark inhuman activities with the skillful writing of Conrad. The story begins depicting Kurtz as an upstanding European who has been transformed by his time in the jungle-away from his home away from familiar people and food, and away from any community moral support that might have helped prevent him from becoming such a tyrant. Marlow is delegate to rescue this resourceful and knowledgeable person from the clutches of dark Africa.The factors compelling Marlow to decide not to tell Kurtzs fiance about her betrotheds final degradation requires much in-depth knowledge about human psychology. Marlow project himself as a protector of truth and hated world of lies. Marlow makes his feelings about lying explicitly through his words You know I hate, detest, and cant bear a lie, not because I am straighter than the rest of us, but solely because it appalls me. There is a taint of death, a flavor of morality in lies, -- which is exactly what I have and detest in the world-what I want to forget. It makes me miserable and sick (p.49-50). These words show that Marlow does not extol telling lies and it makes him miserable. His harsh words not because I am s

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