Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Casablanca an American classic

Casablanca an American Classic is one of the most loved films of all times in America.

This film remains the most sought after piece in the whole world because of the issues that it handles in the effort to satisfy a worldwide audience. This movie has concepts from nearly all genres in the entertainment industry: it tackles various themes including love; politics, deceit, drama, comedy among others.

The creators of this movie realized the importance of giving different people different tastes of their preferences. This therefore enabled the creators to capture the attention of all types of people.

Another fact that has enhanced the popularity of this movie is that the movie does not over represent any of the themes that build to its success. In the words of a few movie review experts, the movie has “a little of everything, which is the best aspect of everything”.

Rick is the main character in the movie: he is portrayed as an hero in the American context. He is also brought out as a kind character who helps other characters achieve their goals. For instance, he offers help to Annina, a female character who has sex with another character in order to obtain a visa.

Gambling and social vices are brought out in this classic movie. Annina pleads with Rennault to help her husband win in the gambling game. The movie creators bring the gambling idea out to show how corrupted American society was at the time.

This film is popular among the majority of the world viewers because it tackles issues that affect people in day- to day activities. Every country in the world is in one way or the other affected by issues that are such as politics, corruption, immorality and love.

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